“King of Web Standards”—Bloomberg Businessweek.
Designer and author. Creative Director, Automattic. Founder & Publisher, A List Apart Magazine. Co-founded the multi-city user experience design conference An Event Apart with Eric Meyer. Founder of studio.zeldman, a web and interaction design studio in New York. Founder Emeritus of Happy Cog, an award winning digital design studio. Publisher and co-founder of A Book Apart—brief books for web and interaction designers. Author, Designing With Web Standards. Founding faculty, MFA Interaction Design, School of Visual Arts, New York. Host of The Big Web Show podcast.
Have written two books, notably the foundational web standards text, Designing With Web Standards, currently in a 3rd Edition coauthored with Ethan Marcotte. It has been translated into 15 languages, including (for the last edition) Italian, Chinese, Hungarian, Polish and Portuguese.
Faculty member on the MFA, Interaction Design program at School of Visual Arts, New York. Co-founder and host of the internet radio program The Big Web Show (“Everything Web That Matters”), which has twice been named Podcast of the Year by .net Magazine.
Former freelance journalist, The Washington Post & City Paper. Former copywriter & art director. Played Casio in DC's Insect Surfers.
In 2012, was the first designer inducted in the SXSW Interactive Hall of Fame. Tweet too much (@zeldman). Write at zeldman.com (since 1995), A List Apart, and elsewhere.